My Chronic Pain & MFR Story
My journey started when I realized I wanted a career that touched others in a positive way. Just before attending school for my Master's in Physical Therapy, I started down a path of chronic pain. Traditional physical therapy offered no relief. My inner voice kept me searching for the answers I knew were out there. While searching for answers I turned to yoga and meditation to manage my pain. Refusing to take medication, meditation became a way to relieve pain, stress and look for answers. After 5 years of trying many traditional therapies, I discovered JFB Myofascial Release (MFR). I stumbled upon a physical therapy clinic while on my 1st trip to Sedona. My intuition pulled me into this relatively obscure looking clinic owned by John F. Barnes. My traditional science background told me MFR was to unfounded and alternative to work, but John’s understanding of my dysfunction pulled me back in. John was the 1st therapist/MD to understanding me and seem to have a solution. I dove into MFR for both treatment and continuing education. The transformation I went through both physically and mentally kept me coming back for more. I even began assisting with John F. Barnes in classes and treating at his Sedona clinic.
After 10 years of pain I finally ran my 1st 50k trail run in 2004, my 1st half ironman in 2005 and had a baby in 2006. I have endeavored on many other endurance events, such as the Leadville 100 mountain bike race, Xterra's and The Tevis Cup 100 mile horse race. These were all non options (even pregnancy), until I was helped through my pain with MFR.

University of Colorado, Boulder - BA Psychology
Mount Saint Mary's College - Los Angeles
Master's of Physical Therapy
Maryland University of Integrated Health
Post Master's Certification In Nutrition and Integrated Health
Integrative & Functional Nutrition Certified Practioner
My Nutritional Love Story
At 35 years of age and after two miscarriages, I unknowingly became pregnant while training for an Ironman. I woke up one average day and realized I had no desire for my daily cup of coffee. Later that day I rejected my nightly glass of wine. After two weeks of no coffee or alcohol and getting sick in hot yoga, I thought there has to be something going on. I pursued a pregnancy test and found I was pregnant. I then immediately began to crave salads. It was like a light bulb went off and I recognized the need to feed my unborn child a healthy diet. This was the start to a "whole" new road in nutrition. My adventures lead me to start my 1st garden while my daughter was just 6 months old. I started making my own organic baby food and stayed away from the typical baby snacks void of any nutrient value, such as crackers and pasta. My rules became no juices, no “kids meals”, mostly organic foods, no fast food and no sweets. I felt the need to learn more and began to read books and articles on nutrition. This was all very confusing due the conflicting information and old information still being circulated. The only option was to find a good holistic nutrition school and learn more. Now that school is behind me and I am starting my 10th garden, I feel able to combine my love of MFR bodywork, meditation and nutrition to deliver total wellness to clients. Our culture has lost touch with the importance of proper nutrition, which is causing death and disease. We no longer have an appreciation for or are connected to “whole" foods and the earth it comes from. I hope to reach people one by one and bring health and vitality back into their lives!